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200,00 €
Aurora ARA 4 Leverfiller, 18 K.R. Rolled gold
Catawiki a leva laminato oro su ebanite Nibsize: no. 2,5 size 14 K gold nib, Fine tip . semi flexible Condition: near mint, completamente funzionante Anno: 1932

Risultati Database

Pelikan Pelikan 100 nf deskpen, hard rubber cap and piston, RARE Italian nib 14 K fine tip, with Italian 585 imprint

[Nessun testo in lingua Italiana disponibile]
This is a super rare deskpen, the Pelikan 100nf - model 100N with a fixed tail.
The pen has a green celluloid sleeve.
The pen was made from hard rubber and celluloid by the end of the thirties.
Pens like these are mostly found in Italy, where such desksets were much more requested.
This pen . . .
Seller Penboard_Tom
Numero Modello 03420
Marca Pelikan
Modello Pelikan 100 nf deskpen, hard rubber cap and piston, RARE Italian nib
Anno 1938
Condition excellent - no cracks, no brassing, minimal discoloration of the ebonite parts.
Pennino 14 K fine tip, with Italian 585 imprint
Note RARE Italian type of nib imprint.