Glossar Letter F

Sheaffer's name for their non-lifetime nibs and later, a line of pen models.
Feed - comb feed
Comb, spoon, Christmas tree ecc. Describe the space, created in the feed to take the excess ink, that flows out of the pen e.g. due to heating, pressure changes ecc. With this space filled, first ink flows from these external reservoirs to the paper, then afterwards from the internal reservoir.
Feed - over and under
Combination of over and underfeed.
Feed - spoon feed
Comb, spoon, Christmas tree ecc. Describe the space, created in the feed to take the excess ink, that flows out of the pen e.g. due to heating, pressure changes ecc. With this space filled, first ink flows from these external reservoirs to the paper, then afterwards from the internal reservoir.
Feed > ink flow regulator
Tintenleiter > Regler
Alimentatore = Conduttore

The pen part under the nib that allows for flow of ink to the nib as air moves into the ink reservoir. Until recently, feeds were made of hard rubber. Today they are made from injection-molded plastic.
Feed: sawtooth
Basically an early parker feed that had jagged fins. Also called a Christmas tree feed.
Feed: underfeed
Feed which is located underneath the nib - usually just referred to as the feed as this is normal position.
An early type of feed which is located on top of the nib as in early Wirt fountain pens.
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue

An Eversharp model during WW 2 that attempted to compete with the Parker 51 having a hooded nib and a metal slip cap. The pen was not successful and was only made a few years.
Filigree , traforate

Generally refers to any cutout metal work in a pen's decorative metal overlay. Parker and Waterman produced many filigree pens in the early part of the century.


An unusual looking pen from Moore introduced in 1946. The pen featured an inlaid nib. It was made in several sizes and while not successful at the time, they are very collectible today and are one of the better writing pens of the era.

How easily the tines of a nib give and spread under pressure. Stiff nibs are called manifold nibs and are preferred for writing through multiple copies. Flexible nibs can produce a variable line width, and while not common since the '30s in the US, they are making a popularity comeback. In fact, some buyers are led to believe that the more flex the better, which is not necessarily true.

Beginning with an aerometric 51 in 1950, Parker began a series of all stainless steel pens called flighters. Although George S. Parker had died years before, he was a great aviation fan and the company had always been associated with aviation motifs. Flighter in the 61, 45 and 75 lines followed.

The original name of Parker's aerometric filling system for the 51. It was introduced as foto-fill in its first year, '49, then changed to aerometric in 1950.